Gravity corrections (normal gravity and Bouguer)

The geoist.gravmag package has function for performing gravity corrections to obtain the gravity disturbance (measured gravity minus normal gravity). Particularly, there are functions for calculating normal gravity at any height using a closed-form formula instead of using the free-air approximation.

This example calculates the gravity disturbance and the topography-free disturbance (what is usually called the "Bouguer anomaly" in geophysics) using raw gravity data from Hawaii.



D:\MyWeb\geoistdoc\examples\tutorials\ UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from geoist.pfm.hawaii_gravity import fetch_hawaii_gravity
from geoist.pfm import normgra

# Load gravity data from Hawaii
data = fetch_hawaii_gravity()

# Use the closed form of the normal gravity to calculate
# it at the observation height. This is better than using
# the free-air approximation.
gamma = normgra.gamma_closed_form(data['lat'], data['height'])
disturbance = data['gravity'] - gamma
# Use a Bouguer plate to remove the effect of topography
bouguer = disturbance - normgra.bouguer_plate(data['topography'])
# Plot the data using the UTM coordinates (x is North and y is East)
shape = data['shape']
x, y = data['x'].reshape(shape), data['y'].reshape(shape)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 9))
plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 10

ax = axes[0, 0]
ax.set_title('Raw gravity of Hawaii')
tmp = ax.contourf(y/1000, x/1000, data['gravity'].reshape(shape), 60,
fig.colorbar(tmp, ax=ax, pad=0, aspect=30).set_label('mGal')

ax = axes[0, 1]
scale = np.abs([data['topography'].min(), data['topography'].max()]).max()
tmp = ax.contourf(y/1000, x/1000, data['topography'].reshape(shape), 60,
                  cmap='terrain', vmin=-scale, vmax=scale)
fig.colorbar(tmp, ax=ax, pad=0, aspect=30).set_label('m')

ax = axes[1, 0]
ax.set_title('Gravity disturbance')
scale = np.abs([disturbance.min(), disturbance.max()]).max()
tmp = ax.contourf(y/1000, x/1000, disturbance.reshape(shape), 60,
                  cmap='RdBu_r', vmin=-scale, vmax=scale)
fig.colorbar(tmp, ax=ax, pad=0, aspect=30).set_label('mGal')

ax = axes[1, 1]
ax.set_title('Topography-free disturbance')
tmp = ax.contourf(y/1000, x/1000, bouguer.reshape(shape), 60, cmap='viridis')
fig.colorbar(tmp, ax=ax, pad=0, aspect=30).set_label('mGal')


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.931 seconds)

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